joi, 8 septembrie 2016

Deja... amintiri despre vara, desi dupa caldura de afara nu prea pare a fi toamna!
Cateva poze facute in miezul verii, intr-o plimbare aproape de casa. A fost frumos si relaxant, inconjurati de natura, intr-un ambient deosebit.

Sfarsitul de saptamana se apropie cu pasi repezi. Sper sa fie unul insorit!

4 comentarii:

  1. Dear Mia,
    thank you for your visit to my blog!
    I like your photos from the animals and the house is also beautiful!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Kristin from Germany

  2. Hey Mia,
    your pics of the pets and the house are beautiful.
    Is it a little farm?
    Thank vou vor your comment and have a nice afternoon

    1. Hey Nicole,
      Yes, it is a small farm that includes the place where you can eat, rooms for sleeping and you can walk to admire the existing animals, nature. It is very quiet and beneficial this place!
      Regards, Mia


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