joi, 25 august 2016

Rasaritul de soare, vazut de pe terasa camerei noastre la ora 6,35.

Pentru petrecerea vacantelor preferam destinatii insorite dar mai putin aglomerate.Vara aceasta am avut parte de asa ceva.


Apusul soarelui in ultima seara petrecuta pe meleaguri grecesti.

La revedere!!!!

2 comentarii:

  1. Wonderful pictures of your holidays.
    I like summer, beach and sun.
    Enjoy it and have a nice evening,
    greetings Nicole

    1. Dear Nicole,
      Now, when you respond, already is a holiday memento. It went so fast !!!
      I am glad that it is still warm to my home in Sighisoara, Romania. I can stay in the sun ... in memory of the holidays!
      Warm regards,


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